Want navmesh to auto build and save? Click brick wall on toolbar then click build under navmesh then click start.Ģ types of spawners – Single enemy/small group or large group Navmesh – click navmesh on toolbar, then click load to load the navmesh, to recalculate navmesh after placing objects click Build & Save, display new navmesh by pressing load again, click unload to hide navmesh Go to object types - here are gameplay assets Press T to align object to world surface (0point) Hold ctrl to place other objects at right angles Quick rotate with square brackets and quick sizing with +/. Select object and then select map window to place object There is a 2nd Scale Object tool from toolbar that lets you scale objects according to their outlines (the difference is this is one direction and one axis only, the first one was one axis and two directions To scale in relation to 2 axes, grab the triangle in between them, grab centre triangle to scale in relation to all 3 axes Use Rotate Tool from toolbar, 15 degree default rotate snap, disable by pressing 5 Press A and left click new location to move object, combine with Shift to place same objects quickly Press and hold Shift key to clone objects Hold ctrl to select multiple objects, press F to centre camera on objectĬlick coloured squares to move object along 2 axes Use Move tool from toolbar to move object

Use Select Tool from toolbar (arrow) to select object

User Interface –use filters to hide/see objects and use windows tab for assets

Press and hold Scroll Wheel to pan camera, also use left and right keys